"The Way..." the real teachings and life of Yeshua

(picture) The face of Yeshua as extracted from the image imprinted on the Shroud of Turin by the Resurrection. You are looking at the real face of Yeshua.

(picture) An example explaining what people need to know about the Shroud of Turin. It is a negative image, just like in the old days of photography, when we had a film from which images used to be developed/extracted onto photographic paper. Same thing with the Shroud of Turin. There is NO pigmentation, paint, oil, etc on it. The image is the result of the sudden burst of energy made by the energy process of the Resurrection, imprinting the full image of the body of Yeshua unto the material.

"The Way..." the real teachings, and life of Yeshua

The Christianity many people follow today is wrong, a direct result of rewrites by many people with political intentions throughout history, beginning with people like Paul who never even knew Yeshua, and afterwards by the Romans. Yeshua's main teachings were about Actions and Consequences, that is it! "By Your Deeds You WILL be Judge," remember that? And even on the sanitized, and rewritten text of the New Testament what we all see Yeshua doing is teaching people what is correct, and what is incorrect, given the consequences of behaviors. They also rewrote Yeshua's personal life. Let's continue: Yeshua, a descendant of the line of King David, and a challenger for the crown of Israel was not celibate, that was the version the Roman church sold the masses after their councils on the third century... for Yeshua was also a VERY observant Jewish Rabbi, and under Jewish Law ALL Rabbi HAVE to be married, specially during those days. And by Him not been shown as He was, the Responsible married Rabbi He was, we have the more and more broken homes, the sexual perversions we see every day in the media, news, etc. twisting of the institution of marriage, and the general decay of the family. Yeshua Himself declared that: “a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh” (Matthew 19:5). In the Gospel of Philips there is this passage: “Great is the mystery of marriage! For without it, the world would not exist.” Rabbi Yeshua was a TaNaKh, a believer of the Torah, and initiated into the secret teachings of the Kabbala, as explain by one of Israel’s religious instructors, Eldad Junoh, Kabbala teacher, Israel. In the Torah, it says that you need man and woman to be married due to the dual/team nature of man and women. It says that the role of men is “to bring the light” and the role of women is to “reveal the light”, and the two of them work together to make this happen.

(picture) Eldad Junoh, Kabbala teacher, Israel

You can find more information at this website “Judaism 101/Marriage” marriage in the Jewish religion: http://www.jewfaq.org/marriage.htm#Relationship To quote from the information at the site: “Marriage is vitally important in Judaism. Refraining from marriage is not considered holy, as it is in some other religions. On the contrary, it is considered unnatural. The Talmud says that an unmarried man is constantly thinking of sin.” Yeshua, and his family were very observant of the Law, the Torah and the Jewish traditions. These traditions themselves trace back to the days when the Jews were Egyptians who follow a single monotheistic God. Three examples: Circumcision. (Luke 2:21) It tells us that Yeshua was circumcised on the eighth day. Why? Because that was the custom of the Jewish tradition according to the Law (Torah). In Hebrew this is called "B'ritmilah." Dedication of first-born male. (Luke 2:22) You may not be so familiar with what happened here. Let's read the verse. "When the days of her purification according to the Law of Moses were completed, they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord." And it explains in verse 23 why they did this. According to the Torah, every first-born male is to be consecrated to the Lord. This practice in Hebrew is called "Pidyon Ha'Ben" or the dedication of the first-born son, and the offering of a sacrifice. This was a thoroughly observant orthodox Jewish practice. Attendance of the Feasts in Jerusalem. (Luke 2:41) - Every year Yeshua 's parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. What is so special about that? In Leviticus it says that every adult male was to go up to Jerusalem every year for the three major feasts, Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Pentecost), and Succoth (Sukkot, Tabernacles). Recent research indicates that by the time of Yeshua, this was not followed so rigidly because it was a long, dangerous, difficult and expensive journey, and many were not making that pilgrimage on an annual basis. But in spite of all the difficulties, Yeshua's parents did make that journey every year to Pesach, thus indicating their devotion and strict observance of Torah. The most important evidence that the Romans could not erase of Yeshua's being married are two fold: Remember the Yeshua and his family (mother, father, brothers, etc) were devoted Jews, followers of the Torah like we discussed before, therefore his actions and those of his family must be looked at in the context of Jewish wedding traditions back in those days. The rules concerning traditional weddings according to the Torah back then specified that the groom and his family were the ones solely in charge of the catering at any given wedding. The groom and his family were the ones who will provide the food and drink, and would have directed what preparation and functions need to be done before and during the wedding. Guests were not required nor expected to help with anything at the wedding, just to show up and participate in the celebrations. In addition, there were three requirements that the groom had to fulfill if he had gone to the house of the girl, three things he must had carried with him, a large sum of money (or many expensive items) to pay the price for the Bride, a betrothal contract with his promises to the Bride written on it, and interesting enough a “skin of wine”. So let’s look at the wedding in closer detail: In John 2:1-11 is the following. At the wedding, Yeshua’s mother tells Yeshua, "They have no wine," and Yeshua replied, "O Woman, what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come." His mother then said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you". Now this is very important, Mary (supposedly a guest along with Yeshua) is directing the servants, which as we mention is not allowed by the Law, and would be an affront to the family of the groom had the wedding not being Yeshua, and the additional fact that Mary and Yeshua are dealing with how to get more wine for the guest clearly demonstrates that this wedding was Yeshua’s. The rest of the passage says Yeshua directs that a sample of the water-turned-into-wine is taken to the “steward” of the feats, and later the steward takes the wine-sample to the “bride-groom”, (whose name is interestingly not mentioned at all). But if you look at this wedding strictly through Jewish traditional Law the groom had to be Yeshua. One more evidence of Yeshua and Mary of Bethany being husband and wife is for example in the Royal Monastery of the Holy Cross in Aiguamurcia Tarragona, Cataluna Spain. Inside there is the iconography from the early 1300’s of Mary of Bethany (Mary Magdalene) at the foot of the Cross… pregnant! You can see the findings and picture of the result of this research by Spanish researcher Jose Luis Gimenez (one of the people I have worked with in my research, and Author of the book “El Legado de Maria Magdalena”) at the website: http://www.societe-perillos.com/gimenez.html

(picture) Mary of Bethany (Mary Magdalene) at the foot of the Cross… pregnant! Royal Monastery of the Holy Cross in Aiguamurcia Tarragona, Catalunya Spain

(picture) Mary of Bethany (Mary Magdalene) at the foot of the Cross… pregnant! Royal Monastery of the Holy Cross in Aiguamurcia Tarragona, Catalunya Spain

Next, another iconography next to it shows Yeshua being brought down from the Cross. There is Mary, the wife of Cleophas and the cousin of the mother of Yeshua; Joseph of Arimathea with the beard and the typical turban that Pharisians wore; Jeanne, sister of the Virgin Mary and aunt of Yeshua, who appears to sit on her knees at the foot of the Cross, Mary the mother, also standing on the ladder that rests against the Cross is a man who could very well Nicodemus, and finally Mary of Bethany. Again if you know Jewish Law this depicts the immediate family of Yeshua.

(picture) Descent from the Cross, paint at Royal Monastery of the Holy Cross in Aiguamurcia Tarragona, Catalunya Spain

The Law of Moses (Torah) states that it was forbidden to touch the dead unless you were very close family as denoted in Numbers 19:14-16 and Ezechiel 44:25, “And they shall come near no dead person, least they be defiled, only the father and the mother, and brother and sister, that hath not had another husband: for whom they may become unclean”. This indicates that only the close family was allowed to touch the dead, clearly showing how “close” Mary of Bethany was to Yeshua... the wife. Another eye opener fact is that the label of the iconography of Mary of Bethany at the monastery is IVSTICIA… princess. Yeshua came to show us by personal example how to be a decent human being, including how to be a husband in a loving relationship with his other half, his wife Mary. His message was very simple, Actions and Consequences, that is it. That "By Your Deeds we ALL will Be Judged." Unfortunately human greed for power twisted His story and His message, the result is a big part of the mess we have today in the world.

Here is a YouTube link for a great resentation made by Margaret Starbird about Yeshua and his wife, Mary of Bethany. This is a disc/supplement which comes with the book "Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile". Enjoy.


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